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    Setting up Mikochi with Docker and Traefik

    Last year, I spent a little bit of time re-learning full-stack development and built Mikochi. The project has since grown to version 1.3.1 and reached 100 stars on GitHub. This article aims to be a step-by-step guide on how to install it and configure it to use HTTPS with Docker and Traefik.

    The Mikochi Web UI


    First of all you, will need a Linux server. Mikochi was tested and works well on a 512MB RAM/1 vCPU virtual machine, so I recommend getting at least that. For this tutorial, I used Ubuntu 23.10, but it should also work on other distributions.

    To install Docker, follow the instructions from the official docs. Or just run:

    curl https://get.docker.com | sh

    Mikochi will need access to a folder on your hard drive to store and manage your files. I suggest just creating one in your home directory named /data:

    mkdir data

    Launching Mikochi

    The easiest way to launch Mikochi is to use docker-compose. Let’s create a docker-compose.yml file with just enough to launch Mikochi:

    version: '3'
        image: zer0tonin/mikochi:latest # for ARM (Raspberry Pi), use mikochi:latest-armv7
          - ./data:/data
          - 80:8080

    Running docker compose up -d should pull the latest Mikochi image, run it, mount the data directory, and listen on port 80 (the default HTTP port). You should be able to access Mikochi by going to your server’s IP in your browser. You can log in using the default username and password combination: root/pass.

    To change this username and password, you can set environment variables on the mikochi container in your docker-compose.yml. For example:

          USERNAME: alice
          PASSWORD: correcthorsebatterystaple

    If you want to access Mikochi using a domain name, you can also indicate it by setting up the hostname value in your service definition:

        hostname: your.host.name

    Setting up Traefik

    Traefik is a reverse proxy: it takes HTTP requests and forwards them to other applications. This can be very convenient if you have multiple services running over the same machine since the reverse proxy will take care of automatically routing each request to the right service.

    For the most basic Traefik setup, we need to add a service to our docker-compose file to launch the Traefik container:

        image: "traefik:v2.10"
          - "--providers.docker=true"
          - "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
          - "--entrypoints.web.address=:80"
          - "80:80"
          - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"

    Then we need to modify the mikochi service in docker-compose.yml to remove the hostname and ports blocks, and replace them with labels used by Traefik:

        image: zer0tonin/mikochi:latest
          USERNAME: alice
          PASSWORD: correcthorsebatterystaple
          - ./data:/data
          - "traefik.enable=true"
          - "traefik.http.routers.mikochi.rule=Host(`your.host.name`)"
          - "traefik.http.routers.mikochi.entrypoints=web"

    Running docker compose up -d, should now launch both Traefik and Mikochi. Accessing your domain (or VM’s IP) with your browser should still show you the Mikochi file browser. But HTTPS is not there yet.

    Hakumei and Mikochi (the anime)
    Hakumei & Mikochi is a great anime by the way

    HTTPS with Let’s Encrypt

    The internet is a dangerous place, and transferring files over plain unsecured HTTP is not always a good idea. Switching to HTTPS used to be a hassle, but now you can obtain certificates for free from Let’s Encrypt, and to make things even better, we can just ask Traefik to do all the work for us.

    Before going back to our docker-compose file, let’s create a letsencrypt folder, that will be used to store certificates.

    mkdir letsencrypt

    To switch to HTTPS, first, you’ll need Traefik to listen on port 443 instead of 80. This is done by changing the flag entrypoints.web.address to 443 and making sure that docker-compose maps the 443 port correctly:

          - "443:443"

    Next, we will need to tell Traefik to create a Certificate Resolver and call it myresolver. This resolver will use a TLS challenge, which is in my opinion the simplest to use. Let’s Encrypt requires that give them a valid email for verification purposes. This is done by passing the following flags to traefik:

          - "--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.tlschallenge=true"
          - "--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.email=your@email.com"
          - "--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.storage=/letsencrypt/acme.json"

    The certificate will be stored in /letsencrypt/acme.json, so we need to mount the previously created letsencrypt directory:

          - "./letsencrypt:/letsencrypt"
          - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"

    Lastly, we will need Mikochi to use myresolver. This is done by the traefik.http.routers.mikochi.tls.certresolver with the value myresolver.

    Your final docker-compose.yml file should look like this:

    version: '3'
        image: "traefik:v2.10"
          - "--providers.docker=true"
          - "--providers.docker.exposedbydefault=false"
          - "--entrypoints.web.address=:443"
          - "--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.tlschallenge=true"
          - "--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.email=your@email.com"
          - "--certificatesresolvers.myresolver.acme.storage=/letsencrypt/acme.json"
          - "443:443"
          - "./letsencrypt:/letsencrypt"
          - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro"
        image: zer0tonin/mikochi:latest
          USERNAME: alice
          PASSWORD: correcthorsebatterystaple
          - ./data:/data
          - "traefik.enable=true"
          - "traefik.http.routers.mikochi.rule=Host(`your.host.name`)"
          - "traefik.http.routers.mikochi.entrypoints=web"
          - "traefik.http.routers.mikochi.tls.certresolver=myresolver"

    Run docker compose up -d to start both containers, wait a couple of minutes for the certificates to appear, and enjoy using Mikochi with HTTPS.

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    Detecting offensive words with Mistral AI 7B

    When working on a simple one-time passphrase generator, I stumbled upon the issue of offensive words coming up in the output displayed to users. To solve this problem, I needed a way to detect and filter them out automatically.

    A dictionary
    A robot censoring books (by Stable Diffusion)

    Do you really need an LLM for that?

    The problem of filtering out offensive words isn’t exactly new. A simple way of solving it would be to use a blacklist of offensive words. There are already quite a few people who did that around the internet. Sadly building an exhaustive list of offensive words is harder than it seems. In most cases, it took me less than a minute to find insults that bypassed those blacklists.

    There are also statistical models like profanity-check, which does not use blacklists and should filter a much larger amount of words. But, from my tests, it also does not take very long before you can find words that go through the check but shouldn’t. I think these models may be performing better on whole sentences than single words.

    On the other hand, LLMs were trained over an insanely huge text corpus. While I remain skeptical of the claims that LLMs will take over the world, it seems pretty evident that they are excellent tools for natural language processing and should be able to detect offensive words.

    Introducing Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1

    While everyone seems to be using GPT-4, I chose to not follow the wisdom of the crowd and check out Mistral 7B. Since those guys raised a 105m€ seed round, it has to be at least decent. The main selling point compared to GPT-4, is that it is open-source, which guarantees that the model should remain usable even if the company behind it goes under.

    I quickly gave up on trying to run it on my laptop, but instead chose to use Cloudflare Workers AI. This service lets you set up serverless LLMs on Cloudflare’s infrastructure. This removes most of the operational complexity, for very little cost.

    I decided to use the instruct version of the model. This version was finetuned to follow instructions, so it let us ask it to generate outputs in the format we want. For example, we can ask the model to only reply with “yes” or “no”, which is easy enough to parse.

    A dictionary
    Photo by Joshua Hoehne

    The following prompt will check if a given word is offensive or not:

    const messages = [
      { role: 'system', content: 'You check if words are offensive, reply using yes or no' },
      { role: 'user', content: word },

    From this, I built a service that takes a list of words as input and only returns the good ones. It is merely 65 lines of TypeScript, as most of the logic is handled in the LLM’s black box. It can be queried with a POST request, like this:

    ~ ❯ curl -X POST \
         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
         -d '["elephant", "murder", "tulip"]' \

    Turning that into a dictionary

    Cloudflare’s Workers AI is currently in beta, so the API changes all the time, the rate-limiting is not very straightforward and it sometimes throws 500 at you. Calling it directly from a production environment seems out of the question. Thankfully, the English dictionary doesn’t change too often, so we can just check everything once and build a new “clean” dictionary from that.

    The dictionary took a couple of hours to generate, as I tried to stay below the imposed rate limit. It is not perfect, but it contains 355424 words (from 370105 in the source dictionary). You can see the result as well as the full code source for this article on GitHub.

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    Atlas: Declarative schemas for SQL databases

    Database migrations are often one of the most dreaded parts of working with SQL databases. In many cases, teams end up keeping a bunch of timestamped .sql files and automatically running them in order. While this work, it doesn’t scale well: the more developers you have working on your schema, the more you increase the risk of conflicts. Atlas solves this problem by offering you to define your SQL schemas in a declarative manner, without requiring you to use a specific ORM.

    A map and glasses
    Image by Dariusz Sankowski

    Imperative vs Declarative

    The traditional way of managing database schemas is through imperative changes. It consists of describing the steps required to achieve the state you want. This is consistent with the tools given to us by SQL: once you have created a table with CREATE TABLE, you’re not supposed to re-use CREATE TABLE but to append changes with ALTER TABLE.

    Declarative programming works by describing the state you expect and letting your tools figure out how to get there. This is similar to what can be found in languages like Prolog or LISP, or tools like terraform. Declarative solutions are a great match for infrastructure problems because they allow you to keep track of the expected state of your systems, and let you use git for versioning and merging changes. This removes toil from the ops team while increasing visibility on the system’s state.

    Getting started with Atlas

    To create a table with Atlas, you just have to write a CREATE TABLE SQL statement. Like the following, which I will write in a schema.sql:

    CREATE TABLE `users` (
        `id` int NOT NULL,
        `name` varchar(100) NULL,
        `password` char(88) NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    To run this in my database, you can use atlas schema apply, which takes the URL of your database using -u, the file path using --to, and the address of a test database (for linting) using --dev-url (you can use docker:// to have Atlas launch an ephemeral docker container).

    atlas schema apply \
    	-u "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3306/db" \
    	--to "file://schema.sql" \
    	--dev-url "docker://mysql/8/db

    Now if you want to modify the table you created, you can modify the CREATE TABLE statement in schema.sql. For example, I turn the name columns into NOT NULL:

    CREATE TABLE `users` (
        `id` int NOT NULL,
        `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
        `password` char(88) NOT NULL,
        PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

    Rerunning the same atlas schema apply command will modify the database appropriately. In the output, we can see that Atlas generated the following SQL statement to achieve that:

    ALTER TABLE `users` MODIFY COLUMN `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL;

    Using HCL

    Atlas also allows you to use HCL to define schemas. You might already be familiar with HCL if you have been using Terraform, but if not, the main benefit is that it is easy to read and modify for both humans and computers. This is interesting if you ever need your CI to interact with your database schemas.

    The users table from the previous example would look like this in HCL:

    table "users" {
      schema = schema.db
      column "id" {
        null = false
        type = int
      column "name" {
        null = false
        type = varchar(100)
      column "password" {
        null = false
        type = char(88)
      primary_key {
        columns = [column.id]

    As a bonus, HCL doesn’t require a database for linting, so if you choose to use this, you can skip the --dev-url parameter when applying.

    Image by Michael Gaida

    Migrating an existing system

    With an already running database, you can use atlas schema inspect to generate the schema files. It also requires a -u parameter for the database URL and --format for the output format (SQL/HCL/JSON).

    atlas schema inspect \
      -u "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3306/db" \
      --format '{{ sql . }}'

    If you are already using an imperative migration system, and do not want to throw it away right now, you can also use Atlas to generate migration files. This is done using the atlas migrate diff [migration_name] command, which takes a --dir parameter for the migration folder, a --to parameter for the schema file, and a --dev-url parameter like the apply command.

    atlas migrate diff my_migration \
      --dir "file://migrations" \
      --to "file://schema.sql" \
      --dev-url "docker://mysql/8/test"

    Use atlas migrate apply to run the migrations:

    atlas migrate apply \
      -u "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3306/db" \
      --dir "file://migrations"

    Integrating Atlas to your Go codebase

    After using Atlas for a bit, you might need to write a wrapper for it or want to use it as part of your custom infrastructure tooling. This is made simple with their Go SDK. The packages ariga.io/atlas-go-sdk/atlasexec will expose all the high-level functions that you can use for that.

    The example below behaves like atlas schema apply:

    func main() {
        client, err := atlasexec.NewClient(".", "atlas")
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("failed to initialize client: %v", err)
        params := atlasexec.SchemaApplyParams{
            URL: "mysql://root:pass@localhost:3306/db",
            To: "file://schema.hcl",
        res, err := client.SchemaApply(context.Background(), &params)
        if err != nil {
            log.Fatalf("Failed to apply schema: %v", err)
        log.Printf("Applied %d changes (%d pending)\n", len(res.Changes.Applied), len(res.Changes.Pending))
  • Posted on

    5 kubectl plugins to make your life easier

    I have been using Kubernetes for five years, but only very recently started using plugins to enhance my kubectl commands. I will show you five plugins that help me avoid repetitive tasks, make cluster administration simpler, and incident response less stressful. All the plugins presented in this article are installable using Krew.

    Blue lego bricks
    Photo by Iker Urteaga

    Note for Mac users

    If you’re using an ARM Mac, most of the plugins I mention will appear uninstallable when using Krew. It is generally because the plugin authors didn’t release a mac-arm64 build. But you can install the mac-amd64 builds, which work as well, by overriding the KREW_ARCH environment variable. For example:

    KREW_ARCH=amd64 kubectl krew install janitor


    Logging pods through kubectl logs -f is always a good way to know what a running pod is doing. Sadly, I never manage to remember how to make it log multiple pods at once. The tail plugins solve that, by giving us a set of helper functions to easily stream the logs of a group of pods. For example, it can retrieve logs from all the pods created by a Job, or all the pods attached to a Service:

    ❯ k tail --job=logging-job
    default/logging-job-xtx4s[busybox-container]: My log
    ❯ k tail --svc=mikochi
    default/mikochi-69d47757f6-9nds7[mikochi]: [GIN] 2023/07/27 - 12:31:16 | 200 |     496.098µs | | GET      "/api/refresh"
    default/mikochi-69d47757f6-9nds7[mikochi]: [GIN] 2023/07/27 - 12:31:16 | 200 |   10.347273ms | | GET      "/api/browse/"
    default/mikochi-69d47757f6-9nds7[mikochi]: [GIN] 2023/07/27 - 12:31:16 | 200 |    9.598031ms | | GET      "/api/browse/"
    default/mikochi-69d47757f6-9nds7[mikochi]: [GIN] 2023/07/27 - 12:31:19 | 200 |     193.686µs | | GET      "/ready"


    Janitor is a kubectl plugin that allows you to list resources in a problematic state. Instead of battling with grep, it gives you access to commands to automatically list unhealthy, unready, or unscheduled Pods, failed Jobs, pending PVCs, and or unclaimed PVs. This is helpful when examining a cluster during an incident, as it can directly point you toward ongoing issues.

    ❯ k janitor pods status
    STATUS             COUNT
    Running            4
    Error              6
    ImagePullBackOff   1
    ❯ k janitor pods unhealthy
    NAME                 STATUS             AGE
    failing-job-ln7rf    Error              4m40s
    failing-job-vbfqd    Error              4m33s
    failing-job2-kmxqm   Error              4m30s
    failing-job-cjbt6    Error              4m27s
    failing-job2-grwcn   Error              4m23s
    failing-job2-s842x   Error              4m17s
    my-container         ImagePullBackOff   17m
    ❯ k janitor jobs failed
    NAME           REASON                 MESSAGE                                       AGE
    failing-job    BackoffLimitExceeded   Job has reached the specified backoff limit   4m46s
    failing-job2   BackoffLimitExceeded   Job has reached the specified backoff limit   4m36s


    Neat is a simple utility to remove generated fields from the command output. You can use it by simply piping the output of kubectl get into kubectl neat. This makes for a more readable output and is very convenient if you want to save the yaml to create a new resource.

    ❯ k get pod -o yaml mikochi-69d47757f6-9nds7
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      creationTimestamp: "2023-07-21T12:30:58Z"
      generateName: mikochi-69d47757f6-
        app.kubernetes.io/instance: mikochi
        app.kubernetes.io/name: mikochi
        pod-template-hash: 69d47757f6
      name: mikochi-69d47757f6-9nds7
      namespace: default
    ❯ k get pod -o yaml mikochi-69d47757f6-9nds7 | k neat
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
        app.kubernetes.io/instance: mikochi
        app.kubernetes.io/name: mikochi
        pod-template-hash: 69d47757f6
      name: mikochi-69d47757f6-9nds7
      namespace: default


    Since the data inside Secrets is base64 encoded, reading them often results in a mix of kubectl get, jq, and base64 -d. The view-secret plugin aims at simplifying that, by allowing you to directly read and decrypt values from secrets.

    ❯ k view-secret mikochi username
    ❯ k view-secret mikochi password


    If you want to directly access a node, finding the node IP, using SSH with the right RSA key, etc… can make you lose precious time during an incident. But it is possible to obtain a root shell from a (privileged) container using nsenter. The node-shell plugin leverages this to give you access to the nodes in a single kubectl command:

    ❯ k node-shell my-node
    spawning "nsenter-qco8qi" on "my-node"
    If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
    root@my-node:/# cat /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    - cluster:
  • Posted on

    Is technical analysis just stock market astrology?

    Technical analysis is a part of finance that studies price moves to guide investment decisions. A lot of investors seem skeptical of the use of past price data, which leads to technical analysis often being perceived as similar to astrology. In this article, I will try to see if it can provide an edge to long-term investors and if it beats reading the horoscope.

    A screen showing multiple stock prices
    Photo by Chris Liverani

    Moving Average Crossover

    There are hundreds of different technical analysis strategies and indicators out there. For this article, I decided to pick what seemed to be one of the simplest: SMA crossovers.

    Simple Moving Averages (SMA) are, as the name suggests, just an average of past closing prices. The SMA Crossover strategy uses two moving averages, a “fast” one (50 days) and a “slow” one (200 days), and compares them to decide on buying or selling an asset. If the fast SMA is above the slow one, we should buy and hold the stock, and if this condition inverts, we should sell. It is a heuristic around momentum, which is the idea that if an asset price starts rising, we can jump on the bandwagon and hope it will continue its trajectory.

    The strategy would have for example indicated to buy and hold between June 2009 and June 2010

    I have backtested an SMA crossover strategy on the SPY ETF, one of the most traded passive investment funds in the world. My backtest makes the following assumptions:

    • we do not pay any transaction fees
    • we will obtain exactly the close price when buying or selling
    • dividends received while holding stocks are immediately reinvested
    • cash yields no interests
    The result of both backtests, showing similar performance for the SMA and buy and hold strategies

    While someone who would have bought 10.000$ of SPY in July 1998 and continuously held the stock would have ended up with 52.030$ in June 2023 (6.78% annualized), an investor using the SMA crossover strategy would have made ended up with 49.127$. (6.54%). Even without accounting for transaction costs, the SMA crossover strategy doesn’t provide a significant over-performance to simply buying and holding over a long period.

    Does this mean that this strategy is completely useless?

    Actually no, a closer look at the data will show that the SMA crossover strategy allows investors to avoid extended drawdowns, like the 2008 crisis. This significantly reduces the risk taken by investors: the yearly standard deviation of the SMA crossover strategy is only 13%, against 19% for the buy and hold strategy. Since returns didn’t decrease as much as risk, this leads to high risk-adjusted returns, as measured by the Sharpe ratio: 0.43 for passive investing vs 0.53 for SMA crossovers.

    But what about astrology?

    Of course, the subject of this article wasn’t to compare technical analysis to buy and hold, but to astrology. I was surprised to learn that financial astrology was actually a thing and that there were also a lot of astrology-related strategies out there. I decided to implement a strategy based on lunar cycles since it was one of the clearest about when to buy and when to sell.

    The strategy goes as follows: we purchase SPY on a new moon, and re-sell it on the next full moon. And repeat that every lunar month.

    The result of both backtests, showing the moon phases strategy failing to make any money

    Clearly, it fails at beating SMA crossovers. Or at doing basically anything, an investor using the moon phase strategy starting with 10.000$ would end up with only 11.110$ and a Sharpe ratio of only 0.09.


    Similarly to diversification, simple technical analysis strategies can be used to minimize investment risk, without necessarily reducing profits by the same amount. There’s however no guarantee that a strategy that worked in the past will continue working in the future. It is also likely that there exist smarter momentum indicators than moving averages, but you’ll have to do your own backtests for those.

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